Friday 20 September 2024

Friday 20th September

The Long-billed Dowitcher was in the estuary corner with Redshank for just over an hour on the dropping morning tide. Only visible, often distantly, from an area with no general access, viewing tomorrow - meet at the golf course clubhouse at 12.30, donations to Devon Wildlife trust welcomed.

Also in the estuary over high tide, an Osprey, an immature Spoonbill and the six Eider roosting on Finger Point, 27 Dark-bellied Brent Geese arriving in small flocks, three Shoveler briefly in The Bight, two Kingfisher also there and 168 Teal and seven Mediterranean Gull in Shutterton Creek.

Wader counts on the dropping tide included 337 Redshank79 Ringed Plover49 Dunlin23 Knot22 Sanderling16 Bar and a Black-tailed Godwit15 Greenshank, four Whimbrel and a Spotted Redshank.

Elsewhere a Balearic Shearwater and 42 Common Scoter were offshore, a juvenile Hobby hawked dragonflies over the site and 53 Swallow15 Meadow Pipit and four Grey Wagtail were overhead.

Other Wildlife:Shores of South Devon walkover survey of Langstone Rock on the extreme low tide helped reveal a hidden side to the Recording Area. Highlights included Snakelocks Anemone, Common Piddock, Sand Goby and Five-bearded Rockling.

Five-bearded Rockling - Kevin Rylands

In The Bight, a dead Grey Squirrel was a surprise find on the strandline. 

Away from the shore, several adult Fig-leaf Skeletoniser are on the wing.

Fig-leaf Skeletoniser - Kevin Rylands

Ivy Bee - Kevin Rylands

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