Monday 23 September 2024

Monday 23rd September

The Long-billed Dowitcher and a Spotted Redshank were in the saltmarsh corner (no access) with Redshank, with 110 Ringed Plover59 Dunlin23 Dark-bellied Brent Goose, a Sanderling and a Common Sandpiper also in the estuary.

An early morning seawatch in calm conditions saw a surprising 155 Balearic Shearwater head west in just 50 minutes along with two Pomarine Skua, three Sandwich and a Common Tern, with three Great Northern Diver on the sea.

Ringing News: The influx of Ringed Plover included a colour-ringed immature from Norway. 

Other Wildlife: An expected reduction in insect numbers as autumn progresses. However, a Red-banded Sand Wasp Ammophila sabulosa was still active with a Pied Plumehorn Volucella pellucens amongst the small numbers of hoverflies. Day flying moths were represented by a migrant Diamond-back and a Yellow Shell.

Red-banded Sand Wasp Ammophila sabulosa - Alan Keatley

Pied Plumehorn Volucella pellucens - Alan Keatley

Diamond-back Moth - Alan Keatley

A new fly for the Recording Area was discovered, the widespread muscid Helina impuncta, with two other additions to the annual audit, the ground beetle Pterostichus niger, typically found under a rotting log and on foliage the barkfly - Ectopsocus petersi.

Helina impuncta - Alan Keatley

Ectopsocus petersi - Alan Keatley

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