Sunday 15 September 2024

Sunday 15th September

Three newly arrived Avocet were the pick of the waders over the evening tide with other counts from the estuary including 322 Redshank, 144 Teal, 126 Dunlin, 123 Ringed Plover, 58 Sandwich and four Common Tern, 52 Sanderling, 14 Greenshank, six Eider, six Whimbrel, five Bar-tailed Godwit and single Knot, Snipe, Spotted Redshank and Turnstone.

Avocet - Kevin Rylands

Large numbers of gulls continue to forage offshore and in the estuary, with 2260 Herring and 640 Black-headed Gull attracting seven Mediterranean Gull, a likely 2cy, although hybrid again not excluded and a reported possible 1cy Caspian Gull and a presumed hybrid Lesser Black-backed x Herring Gull. 

Two Balearic Shearwater circled the bay and flew south early morning, also offshore 174 Gannet, 34 Common Scoter, 30 Kittiwake, three Arctic Skua, three Great Northern Diver and a Shoveler which flew in to land on Pole Sands were it slept until lunchtime.

Elsewhere two Kingfisher were again between Langstone Rock and the Main Pond, 129 Linnet were on Warren Point, 13 Chiffchaff, five Blackcap, three Whitethroat and a Wheatear were on site, and five Grey Wagtail and three Rook were overhead.

Other Wildlife: At six Red Admiral and two Painted Lady were on the wing.

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