Saturday 14 September 2024

Saturday 14th September

As expected there was no sign of the Long-billed Dowitcher, less expected was its rediscovery at Exmouth early afternoon. Counts of 326 Redshank and 241 Teal were both significant increases, with other counts including 62 Ringed Plover53 Sandwich and two Common Tern41 Dunlin18 Greenshank13 Knot10 Shelduck, eight Wigeon, eight Sanderling, six Whimbrel, five Eider, four Bar-tailed Godwit, four Mediterranean Gull, the regular Spotted Redshank and, on Bull Hill, a presumed 1cy Caspian Gull, although a hybrid could not be ruled out.

Elsewhere a Nuthatch flew over the Crocus Compound and continued up site; a dispersed feeding flock of 74 Gannet, five Common Scoter, two Arctic Skua and a Great Northern Diver were offshore; two Kingfisher and a Water Rail were at the Main Pond; migrants on site included 14 Chiffchaff and single Reed and Willow Warbler, Wheatear and Whitethroat; with four Grey Wagtail and Meadow Pipit overhead. 

Other Wildlife:Grey Squirrel was on the ground at end of Dead Dolphin Wood, with presumably the same later in Marram and up an isolated small tree on Warren Point. Another migrant mammal was a young Common Seal in the estuary, just the second of the year. 

Insects on the wing in the sunny weather included two Locust Blowfly, several Ivy Bee and single Brown Argus and Painted Lady.

Locust Blowfly - Alan Keatley

Pine Ladybird - Alan Keatley

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