Counts from the evening tide included 350 Dunlin, 208 Dark-bellied Brent Geese, 39 Redshank, 23 Grey and 10 Ringed Plover, 22 Sanderling, 14 Teal, seven Greenshank, seven Knot and two Red-breasted Merganser.
Offshore 93 Black-headed Gull, 28 Great Crested Grebe, the four Eider, three drake Tufted Duck and single Great Northern and Red-throated Diver.
Elsewhere five Chiffchaff and a Firecrest were on site.
Other Wildlife: The highlight was the discovery of the Nationally Scarce Sand-running Spider Rhysodromus fallax. A distinctive dune spider, not only the first for the Warren, but a first for south Devon and the first in the county for at least 45 years.
Sand-running Spider Rhysodromus fallax - Alan Keatley
Also on the beach or amongst the dunes, the rove beetle Anotylus rugosus, and the ground beetle Paradromius linearis, with the weevil Euophryum confine and a couple of the darkling beetle Nalassus laeviotostriatus under a log.
Anotylus rugosus - Alan Keatley |
Euophryum confine - Alan Keatley |
Nalassus laeviotostriatus - Alan Keatley |
Paradromius linearis - Alan Keatley |
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