Flat calm conditions offshore mid afternoon with birds spread distantly across the bay including 24 Red-throated and 10 Great Northern Diver, 24 Great Crested Grebe, 11 Common Scoter and the four Eider.
Counts from the evening tide included 147 Curlew, 146 Dark and a Pale-bellied Brent Geese, 37 Redshank, 36 Teal, 30+ Dunlin, 17 Grey and six Ringed Plover, 15+ Sanderling, six Greenshank, four Red-breasted Merganser, two Bar-tailed Godwit and another Great Northern Diver.
Other Wildlife: The northerly wind kept a wide variety of insects trapped on the beach were it was also relatively warm and sheltered.
No less than three new species for the Recording Area were found, the weevil Notaris scirpi, the common leaf beetle Chaetocnema concinna and the ground bug Drymus sylvaticus. Also present the wrack fly Orygma luctuosum, a first record since 1960.
Notaris scirpi - Alan Keatley |
Orygma luctuosum - Alan Keatley |
Other notable finds included the saltmarsh ground beetle Pogonus chalceus on the edge of The Bight and back on the beach, the leaf beetle Prasocuris phellandrii and the false blister beetle Oedemera femoralis.
Prasocuris phellandrii - Alan Keatley Pogonus chalceus - Alan Keatley Oedemera femoralis - Alan Keatley
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