Sunday, 9 March 2025

Sunday 9th March

Four Velvet Scoter east offshore were the first since April last year with 16 Great Crested Grebe, seven Common Scoter, six Red-throated and a Great Northern Diverthe four Eider and the first Manx Shearwater of the year.

Counts from the evening tide included c400 Dunlin146 Curlew, 141 Oystercatcher134 Dark-bellied Brent Geese53 Turnstone28 Redshank28 Teal22 Sanderling12 Grey and 10 Ringed Plover, six Greenshank, six Red-breasted Merganser, four Knot and a Great Northern Diver

Other records included four Chiffchaff on site, two Siskin overhead and a joint site record 290 Lesser Black-backed Gull that flew N during the morning, equalling the tally heading south on 4th November 2007, although two on Bull Hill late afternoon may have been additional...

Year list addition:
109. Manx Shearwater
110. Velvet Scoter

Other Wildlife: The cooling easterlies kept numbers of flying insects down but a Peacock was basking out of the wind and Buff-tailed Bumblebee were active with several heading east down the spit.

Turning over dead wood proved fruitful with single Common Lizard and Palmate Newt amongst the invertebrates, turning over a lost bobble hat however produced a new spider for the Warren, Black Lace-weaver Amaurobius ferox

Palmate Newt - Kevin Rylands

Elsewhere a Harbour Porpoise was close inshore. 

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