Friday 16 August 2024

Friday 16th August

A juvenile Spotted Redshank was a new arrival in the estuary amongst 221 Redshank and six Greenshank, the first record of the year. Other new arrivals over high tide included juvenile Curlew Sandpiper and Little Ringed Plover in the Bight along with 206 Ringed Plover, 174 Dunlin, 16 Sanderling, five Knot, three Turnstone and the Little Stint.

Also in the estuary at least 25 Whimbrel, 10 Bar and two Black-tailed Godwit, six juvenile Shelduck, a Common Sandpiper and, on Bull Hill, an adult Yellow-legged Gull.

An 1hr 40 minute seawatch early morning saw at least 41 Balearic Shearwater in the bay and heading SW, also passing 104 Gannet, two Manx Shearwater and a Shelduck. Leaving the estuary early morning 13 Common and nine Sandwich Tern were soon harried by two Arctic Skua with two juvenile Yellow-legged Gull, two Great Crested Grebe and a Common Scoter on the sea.

Elsewhere grounded migrants included four Willow and two Garden Warbler, four Wheatear, two Whitethroat, at least some of the high count of 17 Stonechat and two juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker, including one on Warren Point. 

Overhead a flock of 13 Lesser Black-backed Gull high S; three Grey Heron high SSW and single Snipe and Sand Martin.

Year List addition:

161. Spotted Redshank

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