Thursday 1 August 2024

Thursday 1st August

An early morning visit saw two Balearic Shearwater close inshore off the seawall, with three Great Northern Diver offshore and single Common Sandpiper and Kingfisher at Langstone Rock. On site a Wheatear, two Willow and single Garden and Sedge Warbler with 22 Long-tailed Tit and, overhead, a Meadow Pipit.

Stonechat - Dave Jewell

Counts from the evening tide included 84 Sandwich and four Common Tern, 59 Ringed Plover, 30 Dunlin, nine Greenshank, a Sanderling and a Barnacle Goose with the Canada Geese

Year list addition:

159. Barnacle Goose

Other Wildlife: A few second brood Brown Argus were the pick of the butterflies. Good numbers of Six-spot Burnet were on the wing in Greenland Lake where Marsh Helleborine and Autumn Ladies Tresses are in flower.

Brown Argus - Dave Jewell

Marsh Helleborine - Dave Jewell

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