Tuesday 27 August 2024

Tuesday 27th August

Three juvenile Curlew Sandpiper were new arrivals in The Bight over high tide amongst 215 Ringed Plover, 203 Dunlin, 33 Sandwich Tern, 14 Sanderling, 13 Knot, all juveniles, nine Turnstone and six Bar-tailed Godwit

Elsewhere the Black-throated Diver and a Great Skua were offshore and a single flock of at least 260 Gannet was resting and feeding in bay, before moving SW towards Dawlish.

Gannet - Alan Keatley

Other Wildlife: A welcome variety of invertebrates were active today, including two Hornet Plumehorn Volucella zonaria, scarce this year, nectaring on Water Mint in Dead Dolphin Wood, Common Ectemnius E.continuus found nesting in a driftwood pine log on edge of The Bight and at least ten Wasp Spider and Garden Cross Spider Araneus diadematus waiting patiently on their webs in Greenland Lake.

Hornet Plumehorn Volucella zonaria - Alan Keatley

Common Ectemnius E.continuus - Alan Keatley

Also on the wing Elbow-striped Grass-veneer Agriphila geniculea, the sawfly Athalia bicolor, the tachinid fly Dinera grisescans and Field Digger Wasp Mellinus arvensis.

Field Digger Wasp Mellinus arvensis - Alan Keatley

Athalia bicolor - Alan Keatley

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