Thursday 8 August 2024

Thursday 8th August

An adult Little Stint was in The Bight over the morning high tide, with counts including 150 Redshank, 75 Ringed Plover, 34 Whimbrel, 34 Dunlin, nine Greenshank, six Eider, five Bar-tailed Godwit, four Sanderling, three Turnstone and a breeding plumaged Grey Plover

Little Stint - both Lee Collins

Offshore nine Balearic and four Manx Shearwater, two Pomarine Skua, 33 Sandwich Tern, seven Fulmar and three Common Scoter flew south with two Teal flying in off.

Other Wildlife: A Grey Seal was in The Bight at high tide, with six Small Red-eyed Damselfly and a Black-tailed Skimmer at the Main Pond before the rain.

At least 15 Wasp Spider were found in Greenland Lake with the damp weather making the webs easier to find. Despite the conditions a Dark Fleabane Neb Apodia bifractella was found and the nationally scarce Tawny Cockroach was found under driftwood with numerous Lesser Cockroach.

Wasp Spider - Alan Keatley
Tawny Cockroach - Alan Keatley

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