Monday 12 August 2024

Monday 12th August

The Little Stint remained in the estuary with counts of 238 Ringed Plover and 30 Sanderling highlighting new arrivals. Totals of 134 Dunlin, 170 Redshank52 Whimbrel12 Greenshank, six Eider, five Bar-tailed Godwit and a Knot were little changed from recent days, although with 10 Mediterranean Gull and nine Turnstone, both species were reduced in number. 

Elsewhere single Balearic and Manx Shearwater flew SW, a juvenile Little Tern flew in off the sea and headed N up the estuary; three Willow Warbler and a Wheatear were on site; and overhead 40 Swallow22 Cormorant, high SW in a 'V formation', seven Sand and four House Martin and single Swift, Yellow Wagtail and Meadow Pipit

Other Wildlife: Despite the continuing hot weather insect numbers remain low with a single Brown Argus and two Common Darter the pick of the usual butterflies and dragonflies. Two flies were however welcome records with the first Twin-spot Stiletto Thereva bipunctata since 2021 and the first Twin-spot Boxer Platycheirus rosarum since 2018 on the wing.

Twin-spot Boxer Platycheirus rosarum - Alan Keatley

Twin-spot Stiletto Thereva bipunctata - Alan Keatley
Elsewhere at least five Wasp Spider in Greenland Lake and near the Crocus Compound, the species benefiting from marking egg cases overwinter.

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