Sunday 11 August 2024

Sunday 11th August

Early morning fog brough the year's first Green Sandpiper, with a vocal bird circling the Crocus Compound and twice dropping briefly on the Main Pond before flying towards the estuary. The remaining Little Stint and the returning Curlew Sandpiper were the second and third scarcest waders of the day. 

Estuary counts over high tide included 827 Oystercatcher408 Black-headed and 21 Mediterranean Gull, 203 Redshank178 Dunlin150 Ringed Plover40 Turnstone33 Whimbrel18 Sanderling16 Common and an Arctic Tern, 11 Black and four Bar-tailed Godwit, 11 Greenshank, six Eider, a Snipe and a Knot.

Elsewhere 79 Sandwich Tern left the estuary after dawn with three Great Crested Grebe and a Common Scoter offshore; nine Sand and two House Martin were overhead and three Wheatear, two Whitethroat, two Sedge and two Willow Warbler, a Garden Warbler a Yellow Wagtail and the Treecreeper on site. 

Year list addition:

160. Green Sandpiper

Other Wildlife: Once the fog cleared insects were active with two Southern Hawker and a Comma along with Silver YHeather Colletes, Hornet PlumehornWhite-lipped Digger Wasp Lindenius albilabris and the tachinid Ectophasia crassipennis amongst various taxa on the wing. 

Strawberry Clover - Kevin Rylands

Dark Fleabane Neb Apodia bifractella - Kevin Rylands

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