Saturday 10 August 2024

Saturday 10th August

Seawatching for 90 minutes early morning saw Gannet passing SW at around one a minute along with 54 Sandwich Tern, three Balearic Shearwater and two Pomarine Skua

The Little Stint was again in The Bight over high tide along with 103 Ringed Plover48 Dunlin18 Sanderling and three Turnstone. Other counts from the estuary included 150 Redshank25 Whimbrel, seven Greenshank, six Eider, three juvenile Shelduck from the SW, two Black-tailed Godwit and two Common Sandpiper.

Turnstone - Lee Collins

Little Stint - Lee Collins

Elsewhere two Swift were overhead with grounded migrants including five Whitethroat, two Lesser Whitethroat, two Garden Warbler and two White Wagtail.

Other Wildlife: A male Beautiful Demoiselle by the Crocus Compound was the only the third record since 2010 and the first since September 2021. pod of four immature Bottle-nosed Dolphin headed east offshore.

Beautiful Demoiselle - David Flack

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