Thursday 22 August 2024

Thursday 22nd August

A day of seawatching brought rewards with no less than three new species for the year. The early morning movement of terns included the first, a Black Tern SW just before 07.30 amongst at least 327 Gannet242 Kittiwake, 64 Sandwich and 20 Common Tern. No doubt attracted by these flocks, 25 Arctic and a Pomarine Skua also flew SW.

Watching from 08.30-13.20 saw few terns or skuas, but shearwater passage picked up noticeably with at least 185 Manx and 31 Balearic Shearwater heading SW with lots more shearwaters at distance. Peak numbers were between 09.30 and 10.45, when they were joined by the first Cory's and first four Sooty Shearwater of the year. The Cory's passed S at 9.46, with two further large shearwaters, probably this species, at 9.55 & 10.30. 

Also offshore seven Storm Petrel and six Mediterranean Gull SW, the petrels all after 12.10, and a Great Northern Diver.

Year list additions:

162. Black Tern
163. Cory's Shearwater
164. Sooty Shearwater

Other Wildlife: Despite the drizzly weather some insects were still to be found including new for the year; a Short-horned Yellow-faced Bee Hylaeus brevicornis and the muscid fly Phaonia pallida. A nectaring Tree Wasp Dolichovespula sylvestris with a nest nearby was a welcome find in a year with particularly low numbers of social wasps. 

Tree Wasp Dolichovespula sylvestris - Alan Keatley

Short-horned Yellow-faced Bee Hylaeus brevicornis - Alan Keatley

Also discovered a new harvestman for the Recording Area on the Golf Course, Opilio saxatilis, a widespread species of dry habitats including sand dunes.

Opilio saxatilis - Alan Keatley

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