Monday 26 August 2024

Monday 26th August

Still some movement offshore, although likely birds feeding in, rather than passing through, the bay. A 1hr 45min seawatch early morning saw 307 Gannet150 Kittiwake, six Balearic Shearwater and a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull head SW. The dawn movement of terns leaving their estuary roost tallied 64 Sandwich, 15 Common and the juvenile Little Tern, with two Arctic Skua, two Common Scoter and the Black-throated Diver also offshore.

Little change in the estuary where high tide counts included; 183 Ringed Plover168 Dunlin158 Redshank, 69 Sandwich Ternjust 43 Curlew17 Sanderling12 Mediterranean Gull12 Greenshank11 Whimbreleight Knot, four Bar-tailed Godwit, the six Eider and two Turnstone.

Elsewhere the first Grey Wagtail of the autumn was briefly by the seawall, with single White and Yellow Wagtail in the Bight. Other migrants included seven Whitethroat and single Lesser WhitethroatWheatear and Willow Warbler.

Other Wildlife: Two new bugs for the Recording Area were found around the Cuckoo's Nest, the widespread ground bug Megalonotus chiragra and, on White Poplar, the leafhopper Viridicerus ustulatus, possibly the first Devon record. 

Viridicerus ustulatus - Kevin Rylands

More late news of another new Warren species from Saturday, with a larva of the sawfly Tenthredo amoena being found on the foodplant Perforate St John's-wort.

Tenthredo amoena - both Kevin Rylands

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