The Spotted Redshank was still in the estuary, along the Railway Saltmarsh with 235 Redshank, 13 Greenshank, seven Bar and two Black-tailed Godwit, two Shelduck and a Kingfisher. In The Bight counts included 236 Dunlin (120 juvs), 219 Ringed Plover, five Mediterranean Gull, four Turnstone, four Sanderling, including the first juvenile, and three Knot.
Mediterranean Gull - Lee Collins |
The summering Black-throated Diver was offshore, along with a 3cy Yellow-legged Gull, six Sandwich Tern, three Teal and two Great Crested Grebe.
The fourth Osprey of the year flew high W offshore mid evening, taking 25 mins to travel the 5.5 miles from the Otter Estuary where it was first noted. Also overhead single Hobby, W over the Back Meadow, and Kestrel, W offshore, with three Wheatear, two Willow Warbler and a Treecreeper on site.
Other Wildlife: Amongst the remaining Six-spot Burnet, day flying moths included two Jersey Tiger, several Straw Dot, a Silver Y and new for the year, Lesser Cream Wave and Yellow-tail.
Silver Y - Kevin Rylands |
Straw Dot - Alan Keatley |
Yellow-tail - Alan Keatley |
Other additions to the annual audit were the dance-fly Hybos culiciformis and a tiger cranefly Nephrotoma flavipalpis. A Harbour Porpoise was feeding offshore and a Brown Argus was the pick of the few butterflies.
Nephrotoma flavipalpis - Alan Keatley |
Hybos culiciformis - Alan Keatley |
Wasp Spider - Lee Collins |
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