Monday 19 August 2024

Monday 19th August

Lots of activity offshore at both ends of the day with 139 Common, 20 Sandwich and two Arctic Tern leaving the estuary and heading S out to sea early morning, including 67 before dawn. These attracted 15+ Arctic and four Pomarine Skua, with at least 214 Gannet foraging offshore and drifting SW, c.3Balearic Shearwater close enough to identify with others extremely far out also likely this sp. On the sea the Black-throated and a Great Northern Diver.

A two hour seawatch from 17.30 saw 220+ Manx and 94 Balearic Shearwater and five Fulmar head SW, with seven Arctic and at least two Pomarine Skua in the bay. 

Counts from the estuary included 239 Redshank194 Dunlin, 136 Ringed Plover24 Black and seven Bar-tailed Godwit20 Whimbrel13 Mediterranean Gull, 12 Greenshank, nine Sanderling, seven Knot, seven Turnstone, the six Eider, five Shelduck, a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull and the Spotted Redshank

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