Sunday 18 August 2024

Sunday 18th August

A large gathering of gulls, no doubt attracted by the the burst sewage pipe, offshore early morning were spooked by three Pomarine Skua initially along the beach before heading into the bay were they joined up with three more Pomarine and two Great Skua in a loose flock before gaining height and drifting S. Also offshore a feeding flock 130 Gannet moved SW down coast with six Teal, two Common Scoter and a Great Crested Grebe on the sea.

In the evening two Pomarine and an Arctic Skua were distantly offshore with six Balearic Shearwater, with other skuas and shearwaters even further out. 

A moulting adult Golden Plover on the mudflats on rising evening tide was the first of autumn, the Spotted Redshank was still present with counts from the estuary including 403 Curlew222 Redshank18 Whimbrel11 Greenshank10 Bar and six Black-tailed Godwit, nine Mediterranean Gull, the six Eider, three Teal and a Kingfisher.

Counts from the Bight included 226 Dunlin156 Ringed Plover12 Sandwich Tern, eight Sanderling, four Knot and a Turnstone.

Elsewhere a Meadow Pipit was overhead with grounded migrants including two Wheatear, two Sedge and a Willow Warbler and a White Wagtail.

Other Wildlife:Grey Seal was offshore and the Grey Squirrel was again in the Entrance Bushes.

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