Saturday 10th May
Seawatching during the day produced single Great and dark phase Arctic Skua, six Arctic, five Common and a Little Tern, 10 Great Northern and two Red-throated Diver, c100 Gannet, 60+ Kittiwake and 50+ Manx Shearwater. On a low high tide good numbers gathered in front of the hide with counts of 167 Dunlin, 27 Whimbrel, 14 Turnstone, seven Ringed and a Grey Plover, a Curlew and the third Curlew Sandpiper of the spring. One of the Turnstone was colour ringed and is the first recovery of this species for the Warren. Also in the estuary the Slavonian Grebe and Dark-bellied Brent Goose. With a total of 74 Sanderling around the Warren on World Migratory Bird Day it was apt that another colour-ringed individual was also recorded. This bird also had a geolocater attached so hopefully it will be retrapped and its entire migratory travels will be available for researchers. Elsewhere the first Spotted Flycatcher of the year was in Dead Dolphin Wood, five Wheatear were on site and a Little Egret was a rare visitor to the Main Pond.

Sanderling © Lee Collins
Wildlife News: The first Southern Marsh Orchid were in flower in Greenland Lake.
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