Friday 7 June 2024

Friday 7th June

Counts from the estuary included 360 Oystercatcher69 Sanderling24 Dunlin21 Whimbrel19 Curlew14 Ringed and a Grey Plover, the six Eider, four Turnstone, three Bar-tailed Godwit, an unseasonal pair of Teal and a Greenshank.

Elsewhere the Cuckoo was on Warren Point, an immature male Peregrine attempted to take one of 210 Starling around the Bight and offshore 200 foraging Manx Shearwater, four Common Scoter, three Great Northern Diver, three Sandwich and a Common Tern.

Other Wildlife: The resident Exe Common Seal made its first appearance of the year at this end of the estuary with a single Grey Seal in the Bight,

Elsewhere at least six plants of Grass Vetchling were found on the Golf Course, only the second record in 20 years. 

Grass Vetchling - Kevin Rylands

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