Wednesday 12 June 2024

Wednesday 12th June

The Lesser Whitethroat pair were still busy around Dead Dolphin Wood, with both pairs of Little Grebe with second brood chicks on the Main Pond. Also feeding their second brood the Rock Pipit pair at Langstone Rock, the lone Shelduck stood atop may also indicate a breeding attempt. 

Elsewhere the six Eider were in the estuary, 26 Sanderling were on the beach, up to 14 Sandwich Tern were offshore and an immature Great Northern Diver was off Langstone Rock.

Other Wildlife: With the sun still shining a few more new species emerged for the year, a Band-eyed Brown Horsefly Tabanus bromius was in the Skipper Meadow with a pair of Red-legged Spider Wasp Episyron rufipes and a Crossocerus quadrimaculatus digger wasp along the Back Path.

Band-eyed Brown Horsefly Tabanus bromius - Alan Keatley

Red-legged Spider Wasp Episyron rufipes - Alan Keatley

Also in Skipper Meadow a male Broad-bodied Chaser and, appropriately, a Large Skipper.

Large Skipper - Alan Keatley

Elsewhere a female Spot-headed Spider Wasp Agenioideus cinctelus was taking a captured Copper Sun-jumper Heliophanus cupreus to a nest chamber on the Dune Ridge, Silvery Leafcutter have now emerged in numbers by the Dune Pond and a small influx of Marmalade Hoverfly was evident.

Spot-headed Spider Wasp Agenioideus cinctelus and Copper Sun-jumper Heliophanus cupreus - Alan Keatley

Silvery Leafcutter Megachile leachella - Alan Keatley

Larger fauna included an early migrant Grey Squirrel in the Entrance Bushes, a Bank Vole in the Buffer Zone and a male Sand Lizard on Warren Point.

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