Monday 17 June 2024

Monday 17th June

Eight Great Northern Diver were present in two rafts of four offshore, a mix of immatures and breeding plumaged birds, also foraging offshore four Common and two Sandwich Tern, with 13 Common Scoter flying SW.

A 2cy Mediterranean Gull was in the estuary with the six Eider on Finger Point and wader counts including 39 Curlew17 Whimbrel, four Ringed Plover, two Sanderling and a Bar-tailed Godwit.

Other Wildlife: Despite the apparent absence of Clegs for a third year, other horsefly are presumably doing better with another new species for the Recording Area, Large Marsh Horsefly Tabanus autumnalis discovered.

Large Marsh Horsefly Tabanus autumnalis - Alan Keatley

Common Darter basking on the edge of the Dune Pond was the first for the year, as were Bare-saddled Colletes C. similis, the wood nesting Black-horned Wasp Passaloecus corniger and the moths Thistle Ermine and Clouded Border.

Common Darter - Alan Keatley

Thistle Ermine - Alan Keatley

Clouded Border - Alan Keatley

A Grey Seal was again off Langstone Rock.

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