Saturday 20 July 2024

Saturday 20th July

A Roseate Tern was again the day's highlight, arriving in The Bight just after 19.30 and lingering for just half an hour. The state of moult and bill colouring revealed this to be the third brief staying individual in the last four days.

Sandwich Tern numbers peaked at 142 on the evening high tide, double the number present in the morning, with seven Common Tern including, two juveniles, in the morning and just four later in the day. 

Other counts from the estuary included 261 Curlew134 Redshank55 Whimbrel52 Dunlin29 Turnstone24 Mediterranean and a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull16 Greenshank12 Ringed Plover, nine Sanderling, six Eider, three Common Sandpiper and single Bar-tailed Godwit and Knot.

Greenshank - Lee Collins

Elsewhere 25 Common Scoter and five Arctic Skua were offshore and a big movement of 158 Swift flew E early evening ahead of rain.

Ringing News: A Polish Black-headed Gull was in The Bight, TNPH was ringed as an adult at a colony in NE Poland in May 2020 and has with the exception of 2022 been recorded here each July since then.

Black-headed Gull - Lee Collins

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