Wednesday 3 July 2024

Wednesday 3rd July

The first three juvenile Sandwich Tern were in The Bight with at least 22 adults, including a Northern Irish bird. The first juvenile Oystercatcher was also in the estuary where counts included 251 Curlew, 90 Black-headed and seven Mediterranean Gull, 27 Whimbrel, 25 Redshank, six Dunlin, the six Eider, four Greenshank, two Ringed Plover and a Bar-tailed Godwit.

Single immature Great Northern and more unusually, Red-throated Diver were offshore along with a dark phase Arctic Skua, 11 Manx Shearwater, two Great Crested Grebe and a Common Scoter.

Other Wildlife: A couple of sand dune flies, including a late record of the first Pouting Seaweed Fly Malacomyia sciomyzina since 2017.

Coastal Silver Stilleto Acrosathe annulata - Kevin Rylands

Pouting Seaweed Fly Malacomyia sciomyzina - Alan Keatley

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