A Cuckoo was on Warren Point and at least 70 Sandwich Tern and six Mediterranean Gull were alternating between roosting in the estuary or feeding offshore.
Other Wildlife: Not surprisingly for mid-July solitary wasps were to the fore. Leading the way was the ant-like dryinid wasp Gonatopes clavipes, found under driftwood on Warren Point.
Gonatopes clavipes - Alan Keatley |
Other species included the first Little Mason-wasp Microdynerus exilis and Mournful Wasp Pemphredon lugubris of the year, Three-banded Mason-wasp Ancistrocerus trifasciatus, Slender-bodied Digger Wasp Crabro cribrarius and Red-legged Spider Wasp Episyron rufipes.
Little Mason-wasp Microdynerus exilis - Alan Keatley |
Three-banded Mason-wasp Ancistrocerus trifasciatus - Alan Keatley |
Red-legged Spider Wasp Episyron rufipes - Alan Keatley |
Bees included the first Coastal Leafcutter Megachile maritima of 2024 and the first of the summer generation of Painted Nomad Bee Nomada furcata. Bugs included a couple of Ant Damsel Bug Himacerus mirmicoides on umbellifers and on the coastal mirid Lygus maritimus in The Bight. After a lone early summer record, several Common Darter were also making an appearance.
Painted Nomad Bee Nomada furcata - Alan Keatley |
Ant Damsel Bug Himacerus mirmicoides - Alan Keatley |
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