Thursday, 30 January 2025

Thursday 30th January

Around The Bight high tide counts were disrupted by a hunting Peregrine; the Kestrel on Warren Point having a lesser impact. The usual wader species were all present, with a couple of Avocet dropping in briefly and two Lapwing, the first of the year, passing overhead.

Kestrel - Dean Hall

Avocet - Lee Collins

Elsewhere there were four Eider and single Great Northern and Red-throated Diver offshore and the crisp cold start saw three Chiffchaff searching for insects in the Main Pond reeds, otherwise the bushes were quiet with just four Siskin moving between the alders.

Chiffchaff - Dean Hall

Year list addition:

101. Lapwing

Ringing News: Whilst the Peregrine may have hampered counts, the frequent movement of birds did provide good opportunities to check most of the Dunlin flock with a total of 50 colour-ringed bird recorded. So far 84 of the 99 ringed recently have been resighted.

Other Wildlife: Although bright and sunny it was too cold for flying insects except for a couple of Buff-tailed Bumblebee on ornamental Hebe and the early muscid Phaonia tuguriorum.

Phaonia tuguriorum - Alan Keatley

Terrestrial inverts included a 16-spot Ladybird, Potato Flea Beetle Psylliodes affinis and the spiders Clubiona comta and Zoropsis spinimana.

Zoropsis spinimana - Alan Keatley

16-spot Ladybird - Alan Keatley

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