A total of 281 species were recorded during the year, with 106 of these only seen at light traps set on 20th June and 27th August. The majority were mostly from leafmines, with occasional adult and other larval records.
A total of 16 species were added to the Warren list, including eight confirmed breeding. Devon’s fourth Bright Wave on 21st July was the most notable migrant, with the first Tree-lichen Beauty possibly already resident. Fig-leaf Skeletoniser Choreutis nemorana certainly were, with large numbers discovered at all stages, just the second Devon record.
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Fig-leaf Skeletoniser Choreutis nemorana 12th & 20th Sep - Kevin Rylands |
Other new discoveries included larval cases of White-legged Case-bearer Coleophora albitarsella on Ground-Ivy and Pistol Case-bearer Coleophora anatipennella on Blackthorn, leafmines of Shining Hawthorn Dot (Greenish Thorn Pigmy) Stigmella hybnerella and Blackthorn Blister Moth (Striped Bent-wing) Lyonetia prunifoliella and an adult Common Oak Leaf-miner (Midget) Phyllonorycter quercifoliella, confirming previously suspected mines.
Common Oak Leaf-miner Phyllonorycter quercifoliella 27th Apr - Kevin Rylands |
Pistol Case-bearer Coleophora anatipennella 26th May – Kevin Rylands |
Recent discoveries still finding the Warren to their liking included Least Carpet, Portland Ribbon Wave and Rosy(-striped) Knot-horn Oncocera semirubella, with the nationally scarce Reed Beauty (New Marsh Cosmet) Cosmopterix scribaiella, Alexanders StrawAethes deaurana and Box-tree Moth Cydalima perspectalis breeding on site.
A further 25 species were recorded for the first time in at least six years including Fern, Latticed Heath, Lunar Hornet Moth, Pinion-streaked Snout, Powdered Quaker, Small Yellow Underwing, Scalloped Tortrix (Notch-wing Button) Acleris emargana, Brindled (Argent) Apple Tip Moth Argyresthia curvella and Obscure Snout (Small Sober) Anarsia spartiella.
Small Yellow Underwing 9th May - Alan Keatley |
Other local specialties recorded included Rolled Grass-moth (Waste Grass-veneer) Pediasia contaminella, Sandhill Knot-horn Anerastia lotella, Sorrel Cap (Bent-wing) Opostega salaciella, Crescent Plume Marasmarcha lunaedactyla and Rest-harrow Piercer Cydia microgrammana.
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Dark Seedhead Moth (Dark Fleabane Neb) Apodia (bifractella) martinii 8th Aug - Alan Keatley |
Day-flying species included Nettle-tap Anthophila fabriciana from 3rd Apr, Green Longhorn Adela reaumurella from 23rd Apr, Cinnabar from 1st May, Hedge Beauty (Common Tubic) Alabonia geoffrella and Yellow Belle from 21st May, Yellow Shell from 26th May, Five-spot Burnet from 5th Jun, Six-spot Burnet from 14th Jul and Jersey Tiger from 27th Aug. As with many insects, with the exception of Six-spot Burnet numbers were down, with no reports of the usually frequent Mint Moth Pyrausta aurata.
Green Longhorn Adela reaumurella 23 Apr – Alan Keatley |
Speckled Fanner Glyphipterix thrasonella 21st May- Alan Keatley |
The first migrant was an early Rush Veneer Nomophila noctuella on 16th Feb, the first Silver Y arrived on 7th May with records through to 26th Oct. The only other species to record multiple arrivals were Diamondback Plutella xylostella from 17th May and Rusty-dot Pearl Udea ferrugalis from 27th Aug.
Diamondback Plutella xylostella 23rd Sep - Alan Keatley |
Single records included the first Warren Bright Wave on 21st Jul, Convolvulus Hawkmoth on 16 Sep, Dark Swordgrass on 25th Sep, Hummingbird Hawkmoth on 10th Oct and Vestal on 16th Oct.
Bright Wave 21st Jul – Kevin Rylands |
Over 40 species were recorded from leafmines or larval cases including Shining Alder Leaf-miner (Dark Alder Midget) Phyllonorycter klemannella, Agrimony Case-bearer Coleophora follicularis, Sea-rush Case-bearer Coleophora maritimella, White-barred Alder Dot (Pigmy) Stigmella glutinosae, Poplar Maze-miner (Bent-wing) Phyllocnistis unipunctella, Hart's-tongue Moth (Smut) Psychoides verhuella and Ramshorn (Grey) Bagworm Luffia lapidella.
Blackthorn Blister Moth Lyonetia prunifoliella 13th Oct - Kevin Rylands |
Other larvae Angle Shades, Common Quaker, Mullein, Vapourer, Common Zebra Moth (Orange Crest) Helcystogramma rufescens and tents of Buff-tip and Lackey although Brown-tail nests were rare.
Common Zebra Moth Helcystogramma rufescens 6th May – Kevin Rylands |
Water-dropwort Brown (Dingy Flat-body) Depressaria daucella 2nd Jun - Kevin Rylands |
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